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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

 “A chameleon is the opposite of a leopard; the world is full of chameleons and leopards.”  Zambian proverb for February 27.  From the calendar “African Wisdom for Life” by Annetta Miller.

Ok don’t ask me what that means but I wouldn’t mind hearing what you think this means. I think of how hard it is to see leopards in the Kenyan wild lands but when you do they are so majestic. 

I know many of you are getting tired of hearing about the tornado.  Well today is a better day already because the sun is shining. 

Every day I drive on Hardy street which is the main drag of Hattiesburg that passes the USM campus.  As I drive past I see the bareness of the landscape and I mourn the loss of the trees (I think I need to write a haiku about that).  Next I look to see if the piano from one of destroyed music school buildings that was called the Jazz Station is still here.  And it is!  It hurts to see it as it is such a poignant reminder of what happened to the music and fine arts program. 

Storm winds danced in rage
Playing jazz to angry sky
Piano silenced.

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